måndag 21 februari 2011

Macro Monday - Earrings with Love seeds

Earrings with Love seeds, Made by Annelie.
More Macro or Close-Up here: Macro Monday.

14 kommentarer:

  1. Fun.
    Do you use precious metals?

  2. Nice earings! I got lots of love seeds at home, maybe I should make something out of them.

  3. OH! så söta örhänge och så fint fotat.Ha en bra fortsättning på veckan. Anita

  4. Härliga örhängen :-)
    Jag tror att de södra delarna av Sverige har mer vår till och med än oss i Göteborg. Kylan ligger som ett täcke men snön regnade bort för 1-2 veckor sen hos oss.
    Tack för tipset om Singapore ;-)

  5. Re; your comment- The miracle plant is not from cactus family, it's easily found here in Singapore and Malaysia. The plants belonged to my neighbour.

  6. You are so clever to use the saga seeds this way. When I was young, we tried to hammer a hole, and it never worked. the seeds fly away, and we hammer our fingers.

  7. Wow your photo is so clear and very pretty. I like that earring ^_^ Happy Monday and thanks for the visit!
    Yellow Flowers

  8. Pretty earings and a great macro.

  9. Wonderful close-up image of these gorgeous earrings!

  10. Love seeds - I haven't seen them in 20 years. What a great creation. Lovely shot too.

  11. Härlig bild Annelie! Fin skärpa och härliga färger!
